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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Prayer Partners, and Family:

I write this special note today with two very important prayer requests that need immediate attention by prayer warriors.

1.  The special needs of our friend, "F", near Geissen, Germany ----  Here is an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST I just received less than an hour ago concerning one of the Iranian young men I baptized while living in Ukraine. It is passed on to me by the leader of the Farsi work in Ukraine, whom I also baptized. (If you would like to help financially, please contact me and I'll show you how you can do it through our evangelistic ministry.  Those of you who live in Ukraine, I can direct you to "M" whose ministry tries to support "F" from there.) Please READ ON.

Dear Friends and Kingdom Partners,

Please pray for our brother "F" in Germany. On Sunday morning, he had severe internal bleeding. He was taken to hospital and now is in ICU. As it turned out, his digestion system has been badly damaged. Doctors don't know the reason, since it happened without any prior symptoms. He's already had an operation done on his stomach, where doctors treated a major sore.

The problem is that his insurance had expired, and he was in the middle of renewing it. Unfortunately this happened in the middle of it, and now he is without insurance. Pray that everything would work out without insurance.

Also please pray for wisdom for doctors, as they're going to do some major tests tomorrow to diagnose the exact problems.

He's been leading 2 weekly Bible studies, heading Evangelism among Iranian refugees in refugee camps, and translating Sunday services for Iranians who attend the church.


The story of our Farsi work is phenomenal.  Jo Ann and I first met "M" when he was just a 16 year old university student who had recently arrived in Kiev.  He was wary, uncertain, and suspicious, but had sought out our church as a place to worship . . . something he did not have in his home country.  Now, eight years later, he is a university graduate, married with a son, and lead pastor both of the English language church we planted and of the Farsi church network that not only covers five cities in Ukraine, but numerous other cities throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

One of the first people whom "M" led to Christ was "F", about whom he writes above.  Following his graduation from university, "F" returned to his home country and then moved to Germany for graduate studies.  Soon after his arrival there, the promise of housing and job fell through as the one who had wanted him to come withdrew the offers made to him.  I was able to connect him with an English language international church in the city, and some of the members were able to help him find temporary lodging and work while he waits to begin classes.  It was my joy to baptize "F" along with two other Iranian young men, one of whom "F" had led to Christ.

I could only pray that American Christians would be come as courageous, consistent, and purposeful as these guys are.

2.  Future of KIBC: ---- The church Jo Ann and I helped plant, Kiev International Bible Church, in 2003 has seen phenomenal success and has had a ministry of reaching people and planting churches that were even beyond our own imagination.  In less than two years ministries had developed in seven languages (English, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Spanish, Farsi, Arabic) as we reached out to people who were "strangers and aliens" in a foreign land.  A "stranger" is someone nobody knows; an "alien" is someone who doesn't belong. 

Our commitment when KIBC was started was to reach into various language groups living there, befriend them, share the Gospel, lead them to Christ, then disciple and train them to do the same thing and plant churches in their respective language groups.  Four of the language ministries (English, Spanish, Farsi, Chinese) developed into self-sustaining churches. 

    1)  The Spanish Church, which we "adopted" and embraced after we had planted it earlier at a different church, is pastored by one of our earliest converts from Cuba, and is an international church in its own right, reaching people not only from numerous Latin American countries, but also Ukrainians, Pakistani's, Iranians, and other countries whose citizens have non-white skin color.

    2)  The Chinese Church, which after a phenomenal beginning where we saw between 100 and 150 university students come to Christ in the first nine months, seemed to at first dissolve, but re-emerged in the coastal city of Odesa, and now has an attendance exceeding 300 weekly.

    3)  The Farsi Church has experienced extraordinary growth that now reaches five cities in Ukraine, has its own website that is accessible globally, has an extensive Bible distribution ministry to dozens of countries where Farsi speakers live, and does evangelization, discipleship training, and leadership training via Skype and e-mail in several countries around the world.

    4)  KIBC began in our hearts as 14 individuals from Ukraine, Cuba, Angola, and the U.S. met in our apartment to discuss the possibility of planting an English language church on the east side of the city for the specific intent of reaching internationals as I described above.

However, KIBC is having a major struggle at this time, with only a handful of people remaining.  At one time our attendance ran 125 to 150, about half of them being university students.  Unfortunately, just as God was calling Jo Ann and me back to the States, a number of the other missionary families also relocated, as did others who were in Kiev for either business or government assignments that were temporary in nature.

Because of severe financial limitations they have been unable to remain in the excellent location where we first began, and are now meeting "house to house" which, in a place where most people use public transportation, is not the ideal arrangement.

As the result of these factors and others, the church finds itself having to decide whether or not to continue as a church.  They have been talking and praying for several months about their future, and this past week I got a note from "M", who is the lone remaining member of the Pastoral Leadership Team, indicating that most of the remaining members feel the group should no longer meet.

I will be talking by Skype with "M" this coming Saturday and will know more after that.  In the meantime, please pray for them.  They've had a phenomenal ministry in the past, but the last two years have been an ever-increasing struggle.

Thanks for taking time to pray about these two important matters.  I am grateful for your willingness to do that.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

Bob Tolliver Life Unlimited Ministries

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