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LUMglobal ---- update on "M"'s cancer surgery ---- 8/13/13

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

We are thrilled to tell you that "M"'s surgery was completed
successfully Monday morning, and he is now recovering quite well. After
again considering removing only the tumor, they reverted back to the
plan of removing both the tumor and left kidney intact rather than risk
accidentally cutting into the tumor and releasing malignant cells into
his body. The surgery began around 7:00 AM Kiev time Monday (11:00 PM
Sunday CDT) and lasted about four hours. In order to minimize movement,
they apparently stopped both his heart and his lungs for a period of
time and put him on mechanical life support.

While "M"'s wife, Ira, was at the hospital during surgery, she was not
allowed to remain there while he was in ICU. Our friends in Kiev, Joel
and Ira (another one) took her back and forth to the hospital, and now
she is with him in the room for the next three days after which he
should be discharged. We had been waiting for a call from Ira all day,
but were shocked when "M" called us himself. What a joy to talk with him
in person. He experienced no nausea after surgery, but did have a
severe headache and much bloating shortly after the surgery . . .
apparently a normal reaction.

He is very tired, of course, but is resting comfortably and very happy
with the outcome of the surgery. He also wanted us to express his deep
appreciation for the prayers of multiplied hundreds of people, most of
whom don't know him, and he's so grateful for how so many have stood
with them during this time. They are also deeply grateful for the
generous way in which so many people responded to the financial cost
involved; they have been dumbfounded by the way total strangers have
assisted them. As far as we can tell at the moment, if there are no
unexpected expenses ahead, the surgery and ensuing exams and medications
seem to be covered.

As Jo Ann and I continue our three-month ministry journey that began
last Thursday, we will eventually end up in Kiev in mid October where we
will be able to see "M" and Ira in person and spend close to three weeks
with them before returning to the U.S.

Now on another subject ---- the first days of our ministry here in
Giessen, Germany, has started wonderfully. In spite of the apartment
not being completely ready for us as promised, we are coping and
comfortable. It is in easy walking distance to the three main locations
of ministry activities, a grocery store is also in walking distance, and
we already have a wonderful Iranian man who is constantly volunteering
to drive us somewhere. Our first activity was Sunday when, following
morning services, we shared our story with over 50 Farsi speakers from
Iran and Afghanistan, after which we enjoyed lunch and a time of
socializing. We are already in love with these precious people, all of
them refugees who have fled because of war and totalitarianism.

Already we have had several families ask us to come to their homes to
talk about family challenges, and we will begin that process probably in
two weeks after we've had a chance to teach some fundamental principles
to the entire group first. We really need your prayers as we adapt our
topics to meet the specific needs of the group.

This coming Thursday we will also begin ministering at a local coffee
house operated by a local German church, and will begin teaching and
sharing the Gospel with 90 to 100 people from many countries. A large
percentage of them are from Somalia (I thought of Andrew and Heidi and
how they might think about coming here some day). Most of them are
university students, and this may be the most ethnically diverse group
we've ever worked with.

We will send out an official report with pictures in several days . . .
either late this week or early next week. Until then, we are . . .

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738