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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

 Dear Friends:

We are in the process of finishing up our next LUMglobal newsletter to go out later this week, but we need to send you this special prayer request concerning our dear friend and ministry partner, "M" and his family.

When he sent us his latest report a few days ago, he informed us that he had been diagnosed with a tumor on one of his kidneys.  Since he had experienced no symptoms of any kind, this was a total shock to them, as it has been for us as well.  Bob had the privilege of baptizing "M" and performing their Christian wedding ceremony while we lived in Kiev.  "M" is really more like our "son" (both his parents died when he was younger), and Ira is like another daughter to us. 

"M" has led the Farsi ministry from its beginning in 2005, and it now stretches to several cities in Ukraine as well as numerous countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia.  He was part of our Pastoral Leadership Team at KIBC in Kiev and they both were part of the worship team there.

  (Ira, Roman, and "M" 3 years ago)            (Roman a year ago)

The tumor was detected after he had an ultrasound during a regular physical examination.  An appointment was set up with a second doctor for further consultation.  However, after the second doctor in Ira's hometown failed to show up for the appointment, they traveled back to Kiev where they met with another doctor today (Monday), who confirmed the tumor's presence through a CAT scan and a second ultrasound.  Needless to say, they are greatly distressed. 

Tomorrow (Tuesday) they have an appointment with a specialist so they can determine the next step.  At this point we don't know whether or not the tumor is benign.  It is apparently about 5 cm in size, which is about two inches. 

Please pray for "M" and his family.  We have numerous friends there who are also close to "M" and Ira, and are going out of their way to support and encourage them.  A special thanks to Randy and Annette Hillebrand as well as Joel and Ira Colon.

These developments may alter our upcoming travel plans at the end of the trip, but will not delay or cancel it in any way.  We will say more about that in our upcoming letter.

In the meantime, we welcome special financial gifts for this need, and they can be given through Life Unlimited Ministries.  We can actually forward the funds directly to them as soon as they come in.  If this interests you, please contact us right away:
    Facebook messaging: lifeunlimited01
    Cell phone: 417-693-5149

Thanks for praying.  We will have more details later this week, and will share it in the regular newsletter.


Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers

Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738, urg3e

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