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Makeup Word for Today, Sat, 17 Mar 2001: Getting our attitude right for prayer

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I had a good week, but I battled a cold through much of the week and found
myself exhausted as the week ended. At work, we were in the middle of doing
some testing for a major project. So it turned out that I had read a number of
messages, but never actually sent any of them out. My dear wife pointed this
out to me last night as she checked her Email and said that nobody (not even
me) sent her anything) ... oooh! 😉

Well, most of you know how seriously I feel about the importance and power of
prayer, so I think this is another appropriate moment to pray for our own needs
and the needs of others. I believe that before prayer makes any sense, we need
to realize and completely accept the notion that we are needy, that we cannot
meet our own needs, that we have an advocate in Jesus Christ, One who loves us,
wants a relationship with us, and is eager to hear our prayers.

In order to have a relationship with anyone, we must first get to know them.
Such is the case with our Creator as well, and in His triune nature (three
persons in One) - the person of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and
God the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us about each of these aspects of God.

Once we know something about someone, then we generally want something in
common with them, even though we are all different. So we cultivate the
relationship. God wants us to seek Him with all of our hearts. He has shown
us what He desires. The response is ours to choose (or not to choose).

God is perfect and God is Holy. Clearly, we are not. But we can recognize our
faults, confess them to God, humbly approach Him, as ask Him to guide us. Now
we are approaching the place where we can have a relationship with Him.

We have to know about Him, we have to seek Him, we have to love Him, and we
have to communicate with Him.

God cares about everyone, so the ministry of prayer is to share the attitude of
God. I ask you, then, to consider praying today, not only for your own
attitude, needs, and desires, but also for the will of God to be done, and
demonstrate a love for others. It is my belief that God is eager to hear and
answer those kind of prayers.

May God bless each of us, especially those in need today, as we seek Him,
acknowledge our need, and call for His Power to be at work in the lives of each
of these precious ones who have asked for prayers.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from Around the World -- March
> 16, 2001
> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 05:11:16 -0800
> I can't think of a better way to start than this prayer written by Nikki
> Davis. May God be with you. Larry
> -----Original Message------------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 6:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Hello!
> Larry, You probably don't remember me. My name is Nikki Davis and my parents
> attended your church when you were at Keysville UMC. I know you like
> devotions and different things like that. Down below you will find a prayer
> that I thought you might like to read. I wrote it myself. I feel that it may
> help someone who is struggling with their religion. Feel free to pass it on
> to whom ever you feel needs the words. De Colores and Fly with Christ! Nikki
> Davis
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> --------------------
> Most Holy Lord, I pray to you now
> Praying for forgiveness of all that I have done
> You knew before I was born that I would fall
> From your grace and come short of the glory of God
> Oh gracious Lord, I pray to you now
> Begging for forgiveness and asking for your mercy
> I know now that I can't go on without you in my life
> You are Lord over everything, even me
> I know I am not worthy of your forgiveness
> But I ask you again, forgive me Lord
> Lord, I know in the past I was stubborn
> Always wanting to do things for myself, never asking you for help
> Never understanding why some things never turned out
> The way I had planned, failing a lot and hurting those I love
> I know now it was because I didn't have you in my life
> Lord, help me start a new life in you
> I know it will not be easy but I am willing to try
> Teach me to fly like the butterflies you send in the spring
> Help me to feel beautiful on the inside
> Let me be your servant and I will go where you send me
> Most Holy Lord, I thank you now
> Thank your for your forgiveness
> Thank you for allowing me to place my burdens on you
> I feel so much better and happier now, thank you
> You are truly my Lord and God and
> I pray in your most precious name
> Amen
> _________________________________________________________
> ~ 03/16/01 ~
> _________________________________________________________
> In my distress I prayed to the LORD, and the LORD answered me and rescued
> me. The LORD is for me, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to
> me? Psalm 118:5-6 (New Living Translation)
> Visit our website at:
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Jodi Booher
> Address: Ohio
> PrayerTeam: I'm already receiving
> your e-mail prayers.
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Dear Pastor and Friends, Please pray for me. I'm really struggling
> with a decision that although needed to be made, is still heartwrenching. My
> husband and I have been separated since July, 2000. I have tried to approach
> reconciliation, but he is only interested in reducing our marriage to a
> financial discussion. I believe that marriage is a covenant between us and
> God. I don't know what else to do. His only concern is that it is costing
> him. Although I still believe that God calls us to reconciliation, I also
> realize that you can't make a marriage work without two committed people. My
> whole life feels like it is falling apart! I've prayed for God to heal our
> marriage and to work on both of us, but my husband isn't willing to admit
> mistakes or to go to counseling for help. I'm afraid of how he's going to
> react when he is served. You see he called last week and said he wants to
> work out a property settlement and end the marriage and the very next day he
> said he would reconsider and take more time for reflection (not work on the
> marriage) if I would make arrangements to pay for my car, which I cannot
> afford to do at this time. Thank you for your prayers and support. It's just
> hard not to feel like my prayers have been in vain!
> -----Original Message-----------------------------------------------
> From: cowtown []
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 10:53 AM
> To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
> Subject: Prayer request
> Two urgent prayer requests: my neighbor Barbara has ovarian cancer, is in
> the last stages, bedridden. she is a Christian. Please pray for her and her
> family. Also, our friend Melvin has five brain tumors and the cancer has
> spread throughout his body. At this very moment, a friend of ours and my
> husband are at Melvin's to witness to him. Please pray for his health but
> most of all that he will accept Jesus as his Saviour. Thank you for your
> prayers.
> -----Original Message----------------------------------------------
> From: lisa p gilliard []
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: prayer for our young people
> Please pray for our schools. They are in desperate need of prayer. We had a
> gun threat at our school this morning It was gang related over drugs. Drugs
> and guns are taking the lives of too many of our young people. Lets keep all
> the schools and teenagers in our prayers always.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Blanca Dominguez
> Address: El Paso, Texas
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my husband, Amalio Medrano's release from prison.
> He was given 3 yrs. imprisonment for re-entry into the country. He is a good
> man but his immigration papers were not in order. He was a drug and alcohol
> abuse counselor and was always willing and ready to help anyone in need.
> Thank you and God Bless you
> -----Original Message------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Divorce
> Almost 2 years ago, my husband of 18 years left me and our 4 children. His
> reasoning? "I don't know that I've ever loved you and I need to be happy" My
> church, a small Southern Baptist church that we helped found, has been
> wonderfully supportive and caring. However, my ex-husband refused
> court-ordered counseling for 1 1/2 years. When he finally began it with the
> kids (just turned 17 son, 13 year old triplets, 2 girls, 1 boy) so much
> damage had been done within the relationship. He is engaged to be remarried
> in June, has been since THanksgiving, but didn't tell the kids until
> mid-January. Told my chronically ill daughter (she has had dermatamyositis
> since she was 4) that he didn't believe she was really sick, told the kids
> he was having his vasectomy reversed so they could have a baby....the list
> goes on and on. I have had the kids in counseling, alone and with me, since
> he left. They have really bucked visitation because he doesn't seem
> interested
> to have them there and makes no effort to rebuild their relationship. On
> Sat, my ill daughter vandalized his fiance's house. Minor stuff, yet caused
> damage. Made ketchup handprints on the wall, smeared some strawberries into
> the carpet, really stupid move. Of course, they have filed a police report,
> etc, to get it all fixed. This is so out of character for my daughter. We
> are all in shock. Both counselors, his and ours, are of the opinion that
> she's been telling us for a long time she's not comfortable with visitation
> and we kept forcing her to go thinking things would get better, yet they
> haven't. They are recommending that the kids have their initiated visits
> only. I guess all of this background to say When is it going to get better
> and what should I do? I can't sleep, etc. I homeschool, due in part to her
> limitations, and work 2 part time jobs. I'm exhausted, lonely and scared. I
> pray daily for the rapture! Any advice? Thank you, Karen
> I really like your website.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Carmen rose Galan
> Address: Brooklyn, N.Y.
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Hi and God bless you and yours! My name is Rose Galan and I would
> truly appreciate it if you would pray for my daughter and her
> husband(Jose&Melissa) pray for unity in Christ in their lives (Jose's
> returning to God and the house of God) Melissa needs a job and a spiritual
> breakthrough in her walk with the Lord! They also need an apartment. Thank
> You and God bless You!
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Michelle Lesage
> Address: Sioux Center Iowa
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: You see it's like this. My therapist just asked me to flush all
> but a weeks worth of my medication down the toilet. (I did do it) I told her
> how badly I was feeling and how tempted I am to just take all of the pills
> and be done with it. It's not like I have never been here before but it sure
> seems like I will never get out of this hole. The last time I got this bad
> my psychiatrist sent me to the hospital. I begged him not to do that this
> time and he let me go home. I am not sure that was the right choice. I just
> hate the hospital so much. I just read the account of the mother who killed
> herself and strangly enough I have a hard time thinking that it will effect
> my family too badly if I leave. I am sure that they will be upset for a
> while. The cost of a funiral will drive them nuts-such a waste of money.
> They will get used to it. I do believe in God and am a regular church goer
> and although God and I talk on a regular basis He has not changed the way I
> feel. I have such a hard time believing that He finds it ok for me to feel
> this badly and if He does not want me to feel bad then why does He not make
> me better? It's not like I am doing any good for his kingdom. I go to
> therapy, and a support group and that is all I can do. I tried to get a job
> but I am just not able to work right now. It is hard to hold a job when
> every 1/2 hour you are crying or feel like dieing. I guess I could use some
> people to pray for me. I have told a few people at church but being
> depressed is not something that is socially acceptable in our town. Please
> pray that I can work my way out of the darkness and that the want to take my
> life will subside. Thanks
> -----Original Message-------------------------------------
> From: cowtown []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 9:14 AM
> To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Stacey Gage
> Address: Jonesboro, Arkansas
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: My grandmother is in her 80's and is in the hospital for hip
> replacement surgery. Following her surgery yesterday, she suffered a
> massive stroke. The details are sketchy, but it seems that she may have lost
> her vision, she can't move her head, she cannot recognize anyone in the
> room, and she is talking in a "catlike" voice--talking to her brother and
> others who are deceased. The doctor hasn't been in yet this morning to talk
> to the family, but the outlook seems bleak. She is in a lot of pain with her
> hip, and now there's this stroke to deal with. My granddaddy is 84 and
> unable to take care of her (he can barely take care of himself). My mother
> and three of her six siblings are staying with my grandmother and taking
> care of my granddaddy's needs. I know they are all tired. My grandmother is
> a Christian, and I selfishly would like to have her around for years to
> come, but I would like for you to pray for God to diminish her pain--even if
> that means that she goes on to be with Him. Thank you for your prayers.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Joel Baker
> Address: Texas
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Forgive me for this selfish prayer request. I am so blessed, and
> when I read the requests and needs of others on this list, I realize just
> how blessed I am. But I need some help for wisdom, guidance and peace. I am
> running my own business, and of course I want it to succeed. I am trying to
> make some advertising decisions right now, and the details and cost is
> overwhelming. I am using an advertising agency that professes to be a
> christian agency, but I have bad "vibes" that they are really inflating
> costs. I just ask that the Lord will help me to make the right decisions.
> Thank you.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Shirley bryant
> Address: 2721 LINCOLN wAY B-204
> LYNNWOOD WA, 98037
> PrayerTeam: NO
> Email:
> mailto:qUEENBEE19512000@yAHOO.COM
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I have a friend Who is dying from his Addiction to alcohol and
> Drugs. His Name is Rodney Whitt and he once Had accepted Jesus as his
> personal saver but is now on the wrong path.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Ian Davidson
> Address: Cape Town, South Africa
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: My wife and I are going through a particualrly tough time with our
> marriage. We are currently undergoing counselling and doing a lot of
> praying. One of the hardest issues we are wrestling with is commitment. I
> only discovered the other day that after 15 years of marriage my wife still
> can't totally commit to our marriage. Please pray for us and ask the Lord to
> remove those shackles that hold her back. As Christians we want to get
> closer to God as husband and wife and experience the love, peace and joy
> that God promises us. Thanking you Ian and Birgitte
> -----Original Message--------------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 6:34 AM
> To:
> Dear Rev. Larry, I am asking for prayers for my ex-husband, Norman O'Dell.
> He was finally arrested Monday night (3/12/01) for drug dealing and making.
> He asked me for help last night, and the only thing I know to do for him is
> to God to help him. I asked God to save him, and God answered my prayers. I
> think this is the beginning of Norman's long road to God. I thank you and
> love you for praying for him, and I thank God for answering my prayers. Your
> Sister in Christ, Starla

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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