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Manservant Clean Hewmor

Posted by: Bigguyhereagain <Bigguyhereagain@...>


Because of a shortage of maids, the minister's wife advertised for a manservant. The next morning a nicely dressed young man came to the front door.

"Can you start the breakfast by seven o'clock?" asked the minister.

"I guess so," answered the man.

"Can you polish all the silver, wash all the dishes, do the laundry, take care of the lawn, wash windows, iron clothes and keep the house neat and tidy?"

"Say, preacher," said the young fellow rather meekly, "I came here to see about getting married - but if it's going to be as much work as all that, you can count me out right now."

Military Humor

Soon after being transferred to a new duty station, my Marine  
husband called home to tell me he would be late - again. He  
went on to say that dirty magazines had been discovered in  
the platoon's quarters and they had to discipline the whole  
squad. I launched into a tirade, arguing that many men had  
pictures hanging in their quarters at our previous post, so  
his new platoon should not be penalized for something trivial.  

My husband calmly listened to my gripes and then explained,  
"Honey, dirty magazines: the clips from their rifles had not  
been cleaned."  



Better Or Worse
During my husband's time as a mature student, we didn't have much money for our family of seven. At a friend's wedding, my four- year-old daughter was sitting next to me when the vicar asked, "Do you take this man for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health?"

Our daughter turned to me and whispered loudly, "You chose poorer, didn't you Mummy?"

Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara

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