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Miracles Do Happen

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

It's not quite 2 in the morning and the phone just rang. Mei-Ling is out of surgery, they put a tube through her back into her kidney to the bladder, urine flowed into her drainage bag immediately. That hospital is an amazing place, in such a short time they got her electrolytes in a safe range and could do the operation. She has her arms strapped down so she cannot move much and is in some pain but there is a possibility that she could go home within 24 hours. The staff sent Melanie and Casi home to get some sleep, but our wee one is on the road to recovery and the best news is that the blockage after the first surgery was caused by a clot and some swelling which should go away and her first surgery will be successful.
Thank you all for the prayers. Here it is just less than 10 hours from when things seemed to be at the worst place for this wee one and now hope has fully replaced fear. Prayers are answered and I am sure they will continue to be answered as we all join in and pray for her full recovery.

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