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Morning prayer

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

Hi ladies,
I have a small prayer request for tomorrow morning.  We too got a blast of winter yesterday with rain, ice pellets, snow and freezing rain.  Then the over night temps. were low enough to freeze all the slush and water on the country roads.  Needless to say there were many school buses that had to cancel, mine being one.  One of our drivers about ten miles from my route took 45mins. to go about 4 miles. She turned around and cancelled.  I started off OK, and it was only after my second pick-up that the road condition got consistantly bad.  It was treacherous in some places, other places were not as bad.   Praise God no one was hurt.  The temperature is suppose to drop tonight to -6F or -21C with windchill. 
Throughout the day the municipalities have been scarifying the roads, and the are certainly much better.  My request is ,should you be up and able to pray between the hours of 6:45am-8:30am CST , to pray for me and others for safety.   I would greatly appreciate it.
Live Well ~ Laugh often ~ Love much

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