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Mother's Day

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I just sent my mom a shawl I knitted out of handspun wool. It turned out
beautiful. It was going to be for me, but it just seemed like I should send
it to here with everything that is going on. I wrote her a letter, which
please pray that she receives it with a open heart. I explained to her that
we never wanted to hurt her, and that we would have never shared with her
our concerns. Had she only respected our decisions it would have never been
said. I also told her that only God knows the condition of any mans heart.
As long as there is doubt I must prevent it. Not just from my dad but any
man. I pray that she receives it well. I have not heard from her since the
phone call. Although I have heard from one of my sisters and it appears that
she does not know anything. The other sister who my mom would most likely
confide has not gotten a hold of me.
Please continue to pray about this job at the church for my husband. We go
weeks or more without hearing from the music pastor. Says he is way too
busy. That scares us. Jeff doesn't want to be so busy that he doesn't have
time for us. Also, is this a answer from God? We are not getting clear cut
answers from this guy, he says he is going to email us, call us, send us
videos of the church and then we don't hear from him for over a month. My dh
emailed him over a week ago and still nothing. He is asking us to move to
another state where we no know one but his family and yet he is not keeping
in contact with us, not following through. This makes us unsure.
Thank you for your prayers. I am feeling a bit better. I was very emotional
for about a week. I had thought that I could be sure that I could trust my
dad. I love him, I would like nothing more than to be able to trust him. We
have a (or had- if mom told him all this he may never want to talk to me
again!) good relationship. He has helped us so much over the last couple of
years. I am agonizing over this. I did not think it was a issue. Just
something that the counselor told us. But once it came out of my mouth- man
all of a sudden I realized I didn't know for sure. Only God knows. And as
long as I don't know then I have to take preventative measures.
Anyway, doing better. Busy. Always busy.