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[music] just shoot me!

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

Well, first, the good news;
Built a rack out of 2x4s and plywood taken from the trash bins of several
construction sites. On the rack are 2 amps, a mixing board, a Korg PBx-3
Pandora box, and input from my computer and a power supply.

Both amps needed repair. One was easy, found a broken wire coming from a
pot, and another going to a power-output. The other amp will work at 500
watts, but only on one channel. It needs repair which i can do, but have not
the time and resources required for the total overhaul. A local tech will do
it for me for barter in trade.

The Pandora Box connects into the mixer just like any instrument. The
computer connection works perfect in the "tape in". Combined with the mixer
effects and eq, the Box makes a great sounding drum machine. I was
completely taken by surprise when i heard it.

For the first time, our outreach band has had the ability to hear ourselves
through monitors and actually have each instrument and voice come through
clear and distinctly. No knew the old 4th hand key boards sounded so great.
I have to say, I had no idea any of us sounded so good. It certainly was not
skill at work, but a special anointing, fer sher! I got goosy bumpies!

We shall soon have our first outreach gig. The rhythm guitarist and I were
practicing country gospel at a local church last night, while there was a
meeting of high school Christian club. The kids heard us, came to listen,
and quickly became bored with the country gospel stuff and so went back to
their fun and games. When we finished, we played some contemporary music,
using rock drum beats from the Pandora Box. The kids flocked around, danced
and sang. It turns out the parents of two of the kids are pastors and have
asked if we have a Christian rock band they could hire for an outreach
community teen ROCK party at their community. When the kids heard this, they
offered to raise the money to pay for us. AND WE DID NOT EVEN ASK FOR MONEY!
NOR WOULD WE! AS A MATTER OF FACT>>>>> (Well, this is a worn out topic, so
don't respond, OK?) (If the kids really do that, we have to accept, right?)

The PA rack does not yet look nice, but it is strong and protects the
equipment. It has come to pass we have all had enough unexpected bills from
hurricane damage to make the entire band completely insolvent until some
time after Christmas. It's like that all over. 2 out of the 3 clubs which
signed my secular rock band for shows are now torn down, and the third will
reopen in 4 months. I have not admitted to it, but for many of us here, life
has been a little rough, just managing to keep homes intact. Without the
rack, without the amps donated, without the kindness of people just
assisting in small but important ways, there would be no band, and from what
the two pastors tell me, no outreach for them. I found out this awful bit;
though there are several good church P&W teams on the Outer Banks, not one
ventures out of the safe confines of church to do outreach. Such a shame. So
many candles, so many bushels, ya know? Well, there is a band now, Thanks to
God and the love of his faithful.

The gospel band wants to do "Little Drummer Boy" for a church "Ol' Time
Country Gospel Christmas" show we have been asked to MC. I have been told i
will play the contrabass part AND the drum parts on my bass, at the same
time. Basically, the marching order reads thus; "We know you can do it."
I have been praticing playing the E and A strings for the contrabass, while
styling out a sort of slap/hammer/strum on the D and G for the drumming.
This is the sort of thing Ace, donl and every one else on the list, have in
their blood and fingers, but this bent old Turk is way out of his league. My
fingers don't work like that. Somebody help the boy!
Why can't we just get a drummer?
Why can't we just get a long?
Why can't we just play Jimi Hendrix? It's so much easier?

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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