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Music Lesson Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Music Lesson"

The first graders were attending their first music lesson. The teacher was trying to begin at the beginning. She drew a musical staff on the blackboard and asked a little girl to come up and write a note on it.

The little girl went to the blackboard, looked thoughtful for a minute and wrote, "Dear Aunt Emma, just a short note to tell you I'm fine."

"New Bike"


I was visitin' over at the old and MrsPerfesser's, when little Maury came over, tugged on my pants leg and excitedly exclaimed, "I got a new bicycle, do you want to see it?"

I said, "Sure, little Maury."

So off to the backyard we went. When we got there, I saw his brand new bicycle.

"Boy, Maury!! That's a beautiful bicycle," I complimented. "Can you ride it?"

"Yeah, I can ride it," he said, then with a sad face he pouted, "but it's broke."

I looked at the new bicycle and couldn't see anything wrong with it, so I asked him, "Well, what's wrong with it?"

"I don't know," little Maury shrugged, "but every time I ride it, it falls down!"

"Church Camp"
I took my granddaughter to church camp for the first time last weekend.

Behind the sanctuary is a restroom facility that is separate from other buildings. A common topic of conversation was a problem that was occurring this year - bugs and crickets seem to seek refuge in the restroom.

One evening during church service, my granddaughter asked me where the bathroom was because she needed to use it. I she could use the restroom behind the sanctuary.

She exclaimed, "Grandma, I am afraid to go to that restroom because there are a lots of bugs and hypocrites in there."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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