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[MUSIC] Little Drummer Boy

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

We did LDB in concert for the first time tonight. Our lead changed the key
and progression at the final moment but did not have the new music ready.
Not willing to put up this sort of crap which seems to follow me around for
the past 4 years, i flattly refused. i don't mind a key change, but when it
comes along with a completely new arrangment, and without rehersal or
warning, count me out.

James, my best friend, and rhythm guitarist backed me up when i called a
strike. The lead gave in right away, and the concert went on as practiced.
It was flawless. Afterward the lead appologized and promised it would never
again happened. He blamed it on simply being insecure. I realize it only
now, that has been the problem all along. The leaders for whom i have worked
who did so many key changes at the last minute have lives outside music
which are wrecked by personal insecurities. the ones who stick with keys and
agrangments tend to be far more secure with themselves and their places in
God's kingdom, when not involved in music.

A high point of the show was the reading of the poem "A Visit From St.
Nicholas" by the baratone. While he was reading, james and i inserted improv
sound effects with our instruments. For instance, on the line about Santa
going down the chimney and landing, I did a 2 octave decending slide, the
end of which had a resounding crash from James' guitar. One the line about
"sugar plums dancing" I did an 8 to the bar BoogieWoogie in C7 with James
doing swing time lead for 8 bars. The reader did the poem straight, which
made it all quite funny. You can just imagine what "...there arose such a
clatter..." sounded like!The audiance loved it.

We ended by asking for prayer requests and talking about giving thanks to
God and then some serious hymns. All in all it was a great time.

About half way through the show, the lead took the tambourine away from the

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**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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