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[MUSIC] "wounded soldier"

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

Some years ago a friend brought to a DPSD "support group" a recording of a
song called "Wounded Soldier" by a male vocalist. I just recall a C/W song
of spiritual healing and the opening lines;

I am a wounder soldier
But I will not leave the fight...

It was not important at the time, but now with so much healing in me, I
think it is a song which needs to be passed along. Oddly enough, i have not
thought of it at all until i dreamed of it last night. I have a personal
reason for wanting to perform it; that friend passed away unhealed. He
always called me "the world's luckiest man."
I have searched but have found nothing on this song.
Has any one ever heard of it? If so, please send me information, lead sheet,
lyrics, what ever may be available.

Thank you so much,

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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