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My Legal Advice

Posted by: root <root@...>

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My Legal Advice

ONE DAY a man came into my Uncle Orville's legal office for advice about a
debt he owed. My uncle told the client that technically he could get out of
the obligation. "But morally," Uncle Orville continued, "you have a
responsibility. As legal counsel, my recommendation is that you satisfy the
debt." The client rose and walked toward the door. "Sir, there's a $25 fee
for my advice," my uncle reminded him. With a shake of his head, the man
replied, " But ,I'm not taking your advice."

Lost Purse
As the bus pulled away, I realized I had left my purse under the seat.
Later I called the company and was relieved that the driver had found my
When I went to pick it up, several off-duty bus drivers surrounded me.
One man handed me my pocketbook, two typewritten pages and a box
containingthe contents of my purse.
"We're required to inventory lost wallets and purses," he explained.
"I think you'll find everything there."
As I started to put my belongingsback into the pocketbook, the man
"I hope you don't mind if wewatch.
Even though we all tried,
none of us could fit everything into your purse.
And we'd like to see just HOW you do it."


Late one night during bad weather, the following was heard
over the radio at an airport control tower:

Helicopter Pilot: "Tower, I'm holding at 3000 over
Heli-pad 1."

Second voice: "NO!!! You can't be doing that! I'm holding
at 3000 over that pad!"

There was a brief moment of silence.

First voice again: "You idiot! You're my CO-PILOT!"
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see
