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My system was infected with a nasty virus - badtrans

Posted by: jmanhood <jmanhood@...>

I am sending this email to all on my address list because my system became
infected with the badtrans virus and one of the things this virus does is
that it goes into your hard drive and picks out a file and sends it to
people in your address book. Some of you have received a strange email from
me that probably made no sense. the virus did this and unfortunately has
infected your system if your antivirus software did not catch it. This is
how the virus was sent to me and how it is spreading so quickly. Norton can
detect and remove the virus but I had not updated my definitions and have
spent many hours trying to recover my system. still finding problems. I
apologize if you have received any odd email that my system may have sent
and yes, if you received it, then your system has been infected. Please
make sure you have the latest antiviral definitions and it was also
suggested that I get some firewall software. I was told you can get online
free. Again, I apologize and hope too much damage was not done. Have a
great day
