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{NBC} NetZero opinions?

Posted by: chrisc <chrisc@...>

OK...this is an obvious reply off list post.

I live out in the middle of nowhere in southeast TN. I cannot get cable or
DSL so I have 3 choices for home internet access: satellite, ISDN, dialup.
Satelite is wicked expensive so that's out.

Right now we can't afford ISDN (which would be about $35 a month through my
current ISP and another $10 or so on the phone bill. That is my only ISDN
option in this area. I may return to this option sometime next year when
our budget improves

So for now I am stuck with dial up (to make matters worse the lines to our
old house aren't the best and I get a whopping 26.4bps connection....but
that's another story). My current ISP, for access, five emails and 10 meg
space is $24.00 tax and all. That's just crazy! NetZero has a local number
for dialup (the only other ISP that does and is cheap) and I've read good
things online about them as far as reliability etc. So does anyone have an
opinion on them? $10 a month sounds pretty good compared to what I pay now.

I am about to start re-selling hosting so I don't need the storage space my
current ISP offers. The only thing I will not get that my current ISP
offers is the 5 emails which I need. But Godaddy has a 5 pack with spam
block for $10 a year.

Shoot me your thoughts on NetZero (the Premium service, not the free stuff).


Ps...the real kicker is at work I have Cable so I work all day and fly like
the wind, then go home to the work I really love and crawl like a turtle.