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{NBC} netzero woes

Posted by: chrisc <chrisc@...>

I signed up for netzero tonight and hit some problems right away:

*You cannot set up netzero and another ISP within Outlook
Express....Netzero freaks out and your outgoing mail server just dies. I
didn't even suspect this one would be a problem but it is and with multiple
email accounts i need this.

*No newsgroup access...another one I didn't consider but need.

*As soon as you sign on it pops up a netzero IE window..this may be able to
be fixed but I didn't see it. annoying as the fact that you
can't use the normal windows dialer.

*It locked on me 3 times in 4 hours. Once required a hard reboot in XP
(which always scares me!)

*Twice on close it started spawning warning boxes in windows...I was up to
about 50 when I got them shut down.

*I had to reinstall twice in 4 hours. Everytime I tried to add back my
current ISP all outgoing mail died. I would have to remove all internet
connects, uninstall, reboot and reinstall the software.

Live and learn...I guess for now I will stick with my local ISP.
