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[NBC] Okay, that's REALLY it!

Posted by: AcesThumpBass <AcesThumpBass@...>

Whoa - I was just checking out Dan Southard's response - below - and was in agreement. Mainly because the "Okay, that's it" thread was started by me. It was originally about me not being able to get to and through Church Bass via AOL and about getting rid of AOL and asking you folks for help with the Associates set up. I've seen the thread topic come across my screen but the original topic has completely vanished. How does this happen?  What we need to remember with the [NBC] postings is that many of the CBers are reading e-mail at work. Therefore, going on and on about something that is non Church, non Bass, non Music, non Theology, non Prayer or other non Major Public interest topics - stuff like 9/11, War in Iraq, California fires and the like - takes time away from their day. It also causes some unrest among some readers. It is also one of the reasons why so many people lurk. They have no time to respond to some topics, can't read them all to keep up, so they just scan and delete, delete, delete.  Let's police ourselves with the NBC postings that chain around and around. Not arguing, just making a point. I did not understand much of the complaints when I was getting Church Bass in Digest form. Ahhh, getting a bunch of e-mails individually is almost madning!



>>Now I'm confused! (or is that still confused?) I thought that was

Apple's claim to fame.

>Yeah, there goes Microsoft, stealing Apple's ideas again.

You guys need to get over it. I saw the movie that showed the men who

birthed Apple, and I honestly believe Forrest Gump bears no ill will

towards Bill Gates. Therefore you shouldn't either;-)


