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[NBC] The Search for the Ultimate

Posted by: nolead50 <nolead50@...>

I'm on a search for the Ultimate.  "The Ultimate WHAT?" you may well ask.  It's not the Ultimate Bass, or Amp, or sound, or experience.  It's much bigger than all of that.  Much more important in the scheme of things and a much, much bigger cosmic issue.  I'm speaking, of course, of the Ultimate Hawaiian Shirt.  I have several of course, but none attain to that standard of Ultimateness that I'm looking for.  For a while my daughter went to U of H in Honolulu and sent me a few shirts from there, but even they don't live up to the Ultimateness I need.  Most have one, maybe two colors, but the Ultimate one would have at LEAST three or more and be as"colorful" as possible.  Most have one, sometimes two or three different patterns but the Ultimate would have ALL KINDS of patterns in the print.  If any of you have been involved with the "Forty Days of Purpose" program you've seen Rick Warren wear a variety of very nice Hawaiian shirts, and if you go to the Saddleback Church website there's a pic of him wearing one that comes VERY close to being the Ultimate.  At times I despair, but at other times I hold onto the hope that somewhere, someday this hole in my universe will be filled.  In the meantime my quest continues.  From time to time I will keep you informed of my progress.  If any of you, my brothers, would like to assist me in this quest I wear an XL.  8^D  

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