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[NBC] TV "Bible History"

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

With great interest I watched the history revealed series on the Discovery
channel which claimed to be biographies of Peter, Paul and Mary, Mother of

I am disappointed in no small way, for most of the information given was
into the form of quotes from NT Aporypha. One would have thought the only
writings produced in Christianity were of Coptic allagory fables and Papal

They did use some archiological data, but rather than presenting it as
theory and supposition, which it is, they treated it as proven fact. Often a
small piece of evidnce was used to establish large statements, and no
caveats were given.

I was bothered by how they treated Jesus' commission of Peter, maybe the
most discussed and argued chapter of the NT. They assigned one meaning only,
and never touched other possibilities.

All in all, it had more a feel of "yellow sheet journalism" than edifying
information, and thus seemed to build more folk lore than faith.

It did have value in two aspects
First, it made me want to go back and study again, after shaking my dust
from my skull.
Also, it should the frailties and humanity for our first church leaders,
people whom we tend to view as being spiritually perfect. It still amazes
me, the establishment of God's church on earth came through such imperfect

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