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need of prayer

Posted by: cass12 <cass12@...>

Dear Brothers and Sister's,
I'm in great need of prayer. First, I'm dealing with spine issues/arthritis, and I have just received news tonight that my brother-in-law has stage 3 transitional cell carcinoma. He just had his kidney/ureter, and a portion of bladder removed two weeks ago. At that point we had understood that the tumor was contained within the ureter. Now we find out that the tumor grew and burst through the wall of ureter releasing the cancer cells. This has come as a real blow to us since we have buried (5) relatives since Oct. We are all believers, but it still can be a difficult road to walk. I would appreciate your prayers for me and my brother-in-law (Warren) and my sister Cynthia. I know that many of you are gifted in the ministry of prayer and I will say thank you now!

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