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New to this list...

Posted by: JoYayaya <JoYayaya@...>

Hello, my name is Jo and I am new to this list.  Actually I've never used one of these lists before so I'm not real sure how it works. I'm figuring this message I type will go out to other subscribers who may read and respond if they wish...guess I will see if it really works that way!  Please feel free to reply and tell me I did it all wrong if that is the case :o)

A little about me...I am married to a man named Stacy (yes a man named Stacy, kinda like the actor Stacy Keech?) and we were married in July 2001 so I haven't been married quite a year yet.  This is the 2nd marriage for both of us, I am a christian,..was saved as a child but am only now really continuing to grow in my faith after several years of ups and downs in my personal and spiritual life.  I have an 8 yr old daughter from a previous marriage, who attends church with me and is saved and Stacy and I have a daughter who is now 11 months.  As you can see by the ages/dates we haven't always gone about things the Christian way.  My husband is not yet saved, but I have great faith that he will be!  He and I talk about God, the bible, salvation, all the time.  He has not lived a life of going to church but has inquired over the years and shows a real interest/desire to know more.   Our marriage has many challenges as we are not only dealing with a new marriage (our relationship began over 2 years ago so we're not exactly strangers to each other) but we are also dealing with a "blended family" as he is now step father to my 8 year old and we have an 11 month old together.  (He did not have any children prior to our daughter)  We also have other extenuating circumstances in our lives in that my elderly (73) mother currently lives with us (lived with me way before he and I knew each other - but is expected to move in with my sister and her family when they purchase a new home this spring) and I also have a 15 year old nephew and 11 year old niece who live with us.   They are the children of my sister who passed away at the age of 36 in 1996.  So as you can see, our everyday life is riddled with all sorts of challenges ... challenges that are indeed compounded by the fact that I am a Christian and he is not.  While I said he is open to God and a relationship with Jesus Christ, he is not quite there and I have a real desire to be a living example for him.

I would like to ask that anyone who can will pray for me and my husband, for our family.  Please pray that I can be christ-like in my marriage, in our relationship.  That I can turn away strife and anger and put on kindness and long-suffering at moments when I feel like just losing it!  When we have an argument we both can be stubborn and I tend to get very defensive and too sensitive as well.  I pray that God will help me to be patient and loving, that I will be able to hold my tongue and to not be defensive.  I also want to be a godly mother and let Christ be evident in all I do. I want to set a good example and start good, godly habits in my home, such as...praying as a family at mealtimes and other times. That is something we do not do consistently and I would like to add to our daily routine.

Well that's a little more than a "little about me" but I will close here as I'm still not sure how this list works :o)  Thank you for taking the time to read, listen and pray for our family.  Sincerely, Jo