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Next Time

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Next Time  

On my four-year-old daughter's first trip to Disneyland, she
couldn't wait to get on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.  As the car zoomed
through the crazy rooms, into the path of a speeding train, and
through walls that fell away at the last second, she clutched
the little steering wheel in front of her.

When the ride was over, she said to me a little shakily,
"Next time, you drive.  I didn't know where I was going."


When my oldest son was in high school, he occasionally earned
extra money by making balloon animals. Since he's quite funny and
charming, I suggested he might make even more money if he became a
clown. He absolutely refused to consider it.

"But why not?" I asked.

"Because," he answered, "then everyone would laugh at me."

Good News, Bad News for Pastors 

Good News: Your church's new recovery group is
     well attended.
Bad News: Your spouse and kids are in it.

Good News: Your church is getting lots of free publicity
Bad News : It's on the crime-reports page.

Good News: Your youth director is finally getting kids to
     attend church.
Bad News: They're going to the church down the street.

Good News: With your new wireless microphone,
     everybody can understand your sermons.
Bad News: The hard-of-hearing suddenly discover they
     disagree with you.

Good News: People have caught the vision for church
Bad News: Now they ask why it's not happening.

Good News: The people missed you during your vacation.
Bad News: They also missed attending church and giving
     their tithes.
Good News: The new donated computer is loaded with all
     the best technological advances...
Bad News: ... for 1983.

Have a Blessed Day 
Dave and Barbara 

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