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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Intercessors:
Today, Sunday afternoon, at 3:55 pm, our little Nicole Grace gave it her last shot, and at five and one-half months of age, entered into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  While she lost the battle, she gained the victory.  You understand that at this time, Jo Ann and I cannot fully express the emotions we felt as we stood beside her crib in the hospital in Quincy, IL, and watched her life ebb from such an imperfect body and enter into ultimate perfection. 
As I thought about today's culminating event of the past five months, the thought occurred to me that Nicole had been on a long and difficult journey with a friend she had never seen and had never heard with physical eyes and ears.  And yet, as they walked together through this soundless and mysterious journey, a point came when that unseen friend simply said, "Nicole, it's closer to My house than yours; why don't you just come on to my place."
Below is a letter our son-in-law, Jim, just sent out.  Some of you have already received it.  However, it speaks volumes, so we want you to read it.
Thanks so much for your prayers.  Please don't stop now.  Jim and Deanna have big decisions to make Monday, the funeral services to be held sometime midweek, and the long journey of adjustment we must all travel.
We will write more at a later time.  Read on, for Jim's note.
Wrapped in His Bond and Sustained by His Grace,
Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
Our Victorious Heart, Nicole Grace Reynolds, went to be with her other Daddy today, just before 4 pm.
Deanna and I and Grandma and Grandpa Tolliver were there as her breathing and heart slowed and stopped.  She quite literally took one last breath here and one glorious breath there.  It was that simple, that quick, that peaceful.  Her first steps were on streets of gold.  Her first word may very well have been Hallelujah.  Her first sound (she was deaf for at least the last 4 months of her life) was angel choruses.  And her first unclouded sight was more than we can fathom.
In the preparation of grief, I commented to Deanna that I couldn't believe that we were sitting here waiting for our daughter to die.  She beautifully reminded me, "We're not waiting for her to die.  We're waiting for her to live."
From her early days, I "experimented" with numerous "pet names" for her.  Whatever came out of my mouth.  So she was everything from "potato bug" to "Nic" to "my heart."  But, the name that "stuck" was "Punkin Seed."  I told her she was too little to be a full "punkin," so she was my "punkin seed."  The Bible says somewhere (I just don't want to find it right now.) unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. but if it falls into the ground and dies, it will bear much fruit.  Our prayer is that our little "Punkin Seed" continues to bear much fruit in many lives, especially now (somehow.)  She has changed us forever.  And, hopefully, these days have changed your lives as well. 
We love you all (though so many we have never met) and appreciate your prayers more than I can even describe.
Don't stop quite yet, however.  We are confident and exalting in the fact that Nicole is in heaven (probably being passed around among the great grandparents.)  We rejoice along with our other 2 children that she can laugh and play, finally free of her limitations.  But, as JoyLinn is beginning to understand, since all of that is true, she can't be here anymore.  And, obviously, that leaves a big gap in our hearts.
One of the things our Lord told me early on (don't remember if I ever shared it here or not) was that "Nicole's was not the only heart that would be victorious here."  Please continue to allow Nicole to live up her legacy by continuing to allow our experience to challenge you to greater Christ-like-ness.
I think that's all for me.
I will probably write this list at least one more time and, of course, I will begin publishing the "Walk With Jesus" letters soon.  (If you want to be included on that list, just let us know.)  Until then, we thank you again and invite you to grieve with us and rejoice with us in Nicole's Ultimately Victorious Heart.
Jim and Deanna 

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