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No Battery

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Beth and Margie, two teenage sisters, had enjoyed shopping in the large
shopping mall. But by the time they were ready to leave, it was dark.
Standing at the mall exit, they could hardly see the outline of the car, the
only one left in that section of the dimly lit parking lot.

The girls were nervous as they waited, hoping a few customers would come
along so they could all walk out together. They remembered their father's
warning, "Don't be too late!" Margie shifted her packages, pushed open the
door, and walked as fast as she could. Beth followed glancing from side to
side. They made it!

Beth shoved the key into the car lock, got in, and reached across to open
Margie's door. Just then the girls heard the sound of running feet behind
them. When Margie looked around, two ominous-looking men were running
towards them.

"You're not going anywhere!" one shouted. Margie screamed. Terrified, she
scrambled inside and locked the doors just in time. With shaking fingers,
Beth turned the ignition and nothing happened. She did it again and nothing
happened. The only sound they heard was the key clicking in silence.

"Beth, try again!" Margie was frantic. The men were pulling the door
handles, pushing at the windows. "It won't start!" Beth cried. The girls
knew they only had seconds of safety remaining.

Quickly, they joined hands in prayer. "Dear God," Margie pleaded, "give us a
miracle, in the name of Jesus!" Once more, Beth turned the key. This time
the engine roared to life. She shifted into gear and raced out of the
parking lot, leaving the men behind.

The girls wept all the way home, shocked and relieved at the same time. They
screeched down the driveway to the garage, stumbled into the safety of their
house, and told their father what had happened. He held them both close.
"You're safe and that's the main thing," he soothed them.

"It's strange though, the car has never failed to start before. I'll check
it out tomorrow."

Early the next morning, he raised the car's hood to look at the starter. And
in one stunned glance, he realized Who had brought his daughters safely home
the previous night for there was no battery in the car.


When I was about five years old I had gotten very sick. I wasn't breathing
right and usually when I was sleeping I would stop breathing, so my parents
didn't get any sleep for days!! They took me to atleast five doctors and
only two found something wrong with me. The doctors that found it said it
was hard to find it and it was least expected.
There was something clogging an artery or something like that. I remember
three days before the surgery I kept praying every night( I had this poem
that my great grandma made for me). The night before my surgery, I read it
three times ( for when i started reading it until now), then I heard someone
saying Samantha. It was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard before.
The person looked pretty old even though I couldn't see its face, i could
see it had glaases though. He was wearing a flantel button-up shirt and
khaki's. The clothes had paint all over them. Anyway, he said to me," I know
your scared and you want this to go away, but it can't. It's something the
doctors have to do. But believe me I will be watching over you." I had no
clue what so ever to say so I just kept looking at him. The next day I had
my surgery and everything went perfect. When I woke up after the surgery my
whole family was there. They brought me balloons flowers and a lot of
pictures of my family so I wouldn't feel lonely.

There was one that caught my eye. It was a picture of my great grandma with
a man wearing the same paint clothes as the man that visited me. I started
to cry and asked my mom who that was and she said it was my great grandpa. I
asked why I never knew him until now. Everyone in the room stopped and
looked at me and I told them I saw him last night. They all started to laugh
and I started to laugh with them because something told me to keep my mouth
shut so I did.

Everyone told me that he died a week after I was born and that he loved me
even though i was just born. The night before he died he told me he would be
watching me forever, that's what my mom said. No one knows about me and my
great grandpa encounter until now!!

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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