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Noah and the Note

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Noah and The Note

Last Sunday my wife was demonstrating how smart our 5-year-old granddaughter is. On the way home from Sunday morning service she asked Brittany, "What did the dove bring back to Noah?"

"A note," Brittany answered.

"A note?" her grandmother asked. "I thought he brought back a twig with a fig leaf on it."

"He did," Brittany said confidently. "But God wrote Noah a note on the leaf.

Told him He wasn't going to make it rain like that anymore, so they could come out now."


My Grandmother's Groceries

My grandmother, who lived in Tucson, was well-known for her faith and lack of reticence in talking about it. She would go out on the front porch and say, "Praise the Lord!"

Her next door neighbor would shout back, "There ain't no Lord!"

During those days, my grandmother was very poor, so the neighbor decided to prove his point by buying a large bag of groceries and placing it at her door.

The next morning, Grandmother went to the porch and, seeing the groceries, said, "Praise the Lord!"

The neighbor stepped out from behind a tree and said, "I brought those groceries, and there ain't no Lord."

Grandmother replied, "Lord, you not only sent me food but you made the devil pay for it."


Great Tea

One day a young mother was sick in bed at home with her young daughter. The daughter was about four, and always wanting to be of help to her mommy. So while her mother was sick, the young girl got some magazine for her mom, fluffed all the pillows for her, and even made her a cup of tea!

Her mother was very pleased with the tea and asked her daughter how she had ever learned to make tea on her own. Her daughter proudly told her mom, "well mommy, I've seen you do it LOADS of times. Only this time I couldn't find the strainer, so I used the fly swatter instead."

"YOU WHAT!?!?!" her mother cried.

"Oh don't worry mommy, I didn't use the new fly swatter, I used the old one."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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