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Oil Well Fire

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>

A terrible oil well fire rages in Texas. Red Adair's world famous oil
well fighting company is already committed on another job. Someone suggests a
local Mexican fire fighting company. When the Mexican fire fighting
company is called, the owner quotes them only $200 to put out the fire.

In disbelief and desperation, the oil company hires them to put out the fire.
A few minutes later, a broken down, old pickup truck filled with Mexicans
arrives at the oil well fire and immediately drives right into the middle of the
raging fire! All of the Mexicans immediately get off the truck and beat
out the fire with their serapes.

With their truck terribly scorched and their clothes smoldering, the Mexicans
walk up to the oil company manager to be paid. Still in awe and disbelief, the
oil company manager hands the head Mexican a check for $200, and says, "That
was the most amazing, brave feat I've ever witnessed!" "Just out of
curiosity, what are you going to do with the $200?

The head Mexican replies, "Get some new brakes for my truck!"