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Old Testament Road Signs

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Old Testament Road Signs

At the Sinai desert:
"Winding road next 40 years"

At the Red Sea:
"Caution! Subject to sudden flooding"

At Jericho:
"Sound horn for service"

At Sodom and Gomorrah:
"Watch for falling rocks"

God At The Wheel

The story of Adam and Eve was being carefully explained in the children's Sunday school class. Following the story, the children were asked to draw a picture that would illustrate some part of the story. Little Bobby was most interested and drew a picture of a car with three people in it. In the front seat behind the wheel was a rather large man and in the back seat a man and a woman. The teacher was at a loss to understand how this illustrated the lesson. But little Bobby was prompt with his explanation. "Why, this is God driving Adam and Eve out of the garden!"

Throwing In The Towel

Every time his new sister spit up, drooled, or dirtied her diaper my three-year old son, Eric, reported the incident to me in disgust.

One day, after quite a few messes, he threw up his hands and exclaimed, "We need a new baby!"


Soon after they married, the husband stopped wearing his wedding ring. When the wife asked why, the husband said, "It cuts off my circulation."
She replied, "It's supposed to!"

Have A Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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