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Ole da Yuper

Posted by: <@...>

[Ole is from Michigan's Upper Peninsula - ed.]

Ole lived in a semi-rural area. He recently called the township
administrative office to request the removal of the Deer Crossing sign
on his road. The reason: many deer were being hit by cars and he no longer
wanted them to cross there.


The fire department got a call from Ole telling them his barn was on
fire. "How do we get out to your place, Ole?" asked the fire chief.
"Vell," said Ole, "You might use dat little red truck you got dere at
da fire station."


Little Ole went to church with his papa one Sunday. "Papa, vhat is dat
board up on da wall?" asked little Ole. "Dose are da names of da members who
died in da service." answered papa.

Little Ole thought about this for a moment and then asked "Vhich vun,
da 8:30 or da 9:45 service?"