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On Vacation Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"On Vacation"
The older brother was on vacation in Europe, and his younger brother called him
and said "Your cat died."
The older brother is in tears. "I loved that cat, I've had that cat for 20
years, you can't just blurt out bad news on the phone like that. You need to let
me know gradually. You should have called and told me the cat was on the roof,
or something. Then the next day tell me the cat still won't come down. And then
after you slowly work up to it, you can tell me the cat died."
The younger brother apologizes, and says he'll learn to be more sensitive in the
"By the way," the older brother adds, "How's Mom?"
After a long silence, the younger brother says "She's up on the roof."
"Clever Dog"
A wife says to her husband one weekend morning,
"We've got such a clever dog. He brings in the
daily newspapers every morning."
Her husband replied, "Well, lots of dogs can do that."
The wife responded, "But we've never subscribed to any papers!"
The psychiatrist was interviewing a first time patient.
"You say you're here," he inquired, "because your family is worried about your taste in socks"?
"That's correct," muttered the patient. "I like wool socks."
"But that's perfectly normal," replied the doctor. "Many people prefer wool socks to those made from cotton or acrylic. In fact, I myself, like wool socks."
"You do"? exclaimed the man. "With oil and vinegar or just a squeeze of lemon"?
Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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