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One Talented Hamster

Posted by: <@...>

One Talented Hamster

A mangy looking guy goes into a posh restaurant and orders a steak.

The waiter says: "No way. I don't think you can pay for it."

The guy says, "You're right. I don't have any money, but if I show you
something you haven't seen before, will you give me a steak?"

The waiter says, "Only if what you show me isn't offensive for our customers."

"Deal!" says the guy and reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a
hamster. He puts the hamster on the table and it runs to the end of the table,
climbs down the leg, runs across the room, up the piano, jumps on the
keyboard and starts playing Gershwin songs. The hamster is very talented.

The waiter says, "You're right. I've never seen anything like that
before. That hamster is truly impressive on the piano."

The guy downs the steak and asks the waiter for a milkshake

"Money, or another miracle, or else no milkshake", says the waiter.

The guy reaches into his coat again and pulls out a frog. He puts the frog
on the table, and the frog starts to sing. He has a marvelous voice and
great pitch. A fine singer.

A stranger from the other end of the restaurant comes over to the guy and offers
him $300 for the frog.

The guy says, "It's a deal." He takes the three hundred and gives the
stranger the frog.

When the stranger leaves the restaurant, the waiter says to the guy, "Are you
some kind of nut? You sold a singing frog for $300? It must have been
worth millions. You must be crazy!"

"Not so", says the guy. "The hamster is also a ventriloquist."