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"Order" Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

A customer sent an order to a distributor for a large
amount of goods totaling a great deal of money.
The distributor noticed that the previous bill hadn't been
paid. The collections manager left a voice-mail for them
"We can't ship your new order until you pay for the last one."
The next day the collections manager received a collect
phone call, "Please cancel the order. We can't wait that long."
Mr. Cowboy
A kid walked up to a guy wearing a 10-gallon hat, leather vest,
leather chaps, and sneakers. The kid asked him, "Mr. Cowboy, why do
you wear that big hat?"
The cowboy replied, "Well, son, the big hat protects me from hot sun
and driving rain, and at night I put it over my face when I sleep on
the range, so it protects me then, too."
"Why do you wear that leather vest?"
"It also helps to keep the weather off me, and it has pockets
where I can keep my valuables."
"Well, why do you wear leather chaps?"
"They protect my legs when I'm driving my horse through mesquite
and cactus."
"Well, Mr. Cowboy," the kid finally asked, "Why do you wear sneakers?"
"That's so somebody won't think I'm a truck driver."
"Lost Turnabout"
Driving to a new restaurant, a woman took several wrong turns. When she finally found the right road, she asked her husband, "Why didn't you tell me I was lost?"
"I thought you knew where you were going," he replied. "You always know where you're going when I'm driving."
Have a Blesed Day
Dave and Barbara
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