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Pastor Leaving

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

The pastor shocked the congregation when he announced that he
was resigning from the church and moving to a drier climate. After
the service a very distraught lady came to the pastor with tears in
her eyes, "Oh, Pastor Bob, we are going to miss you so much.
We don't want you to leave!"

The kindhearted pastor patted her hand and said, "Now, now, Betty,
don't carry on. The pastor who takes my place might be even better
than me."

"Yeah", she cried, "That's what they said the LAST time too!"
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Being a new pastor to an aging congregation, I told them I would be serving them prune juice in Holy Communion. When asked why I would dare entertain such a thought, I said,"If the Holy Spirit won't move you--the prune juice will!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara