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{PAY} Should I feel guilty?

Posted by: AcesThumpBass <AcesThumpBass@...>

Here is one for the ages - again.  

Did we ever resolve the "Pay for Play" issue? After about the 200th mail on the same subject, my brain tends to shut down. Usually by the 100th e-mail on the topic, we have gotten off of the topic, which is the reason for the shut down.

Anyway, here is a dilemma of sorts.  Basically, music is my job. It is how I pay for home stuff, and health care. It is how I pay for musical stuff that I need, like clothes and gear and GAS gear and did I mention clothes? Oh, and music shoes! 😉    The church that I have been spending the majority of my Sunday's, since like the first week of July, does not pay its musicians. Oh wait - The Worship Pastor, who is the acoustic guitarist and worship leader gets paid. None of the other musicians (to my knowledge) get any pay, not even a stipend for strings and drum sticks - but that is another issue. My family and I like the community feeling of the church. My 3 year old likes her Sunday school class etc.. My wife does not care much for the music, and I get bored on occasion with the music. Too many 8th notes some Sundays. The words of the songs are incredible and that is what keeps me musically. The people in the congregation are very nice and honest. The pastor brings forth a good and easy listening word.  Easy listening? I am from a Black Baptist church background, so there is the occasional James Brown preacher in the pulpit from time to time.

So, as the story goes. Someone calls me for the third time about becoming the staff bassist for their congregation. I was contacted in June before I started going to the other church. I declined due to the distance and the rehearsal schedule. The church is 38 miles from my house but these people are willing to pay me my requested fee/salary for my services as their bassist. They are also willing to work around my rehearsal and travel schedule. Oh and ALL of their musicians are paid for their services - even the drummer!  I played there this past Sunday. It was okay overall. Just very different from the other church, which is 3.8 miles from my house. Musically, I really enjoyed myself, I got to stretch out and actually give my fingers and musical thoughts a workout. I wanted to go and check out the scenery, so to speak. Things like: What is the worship service like? Do they worship at all or just come to church? How is the Pastor? (I just left from one madman a year ago, not interested in being under the high priest rule of another) Does he think of himself as a pastor or a king? Does the congregation treat him like a spiritual leader or a king? - Which is just as bad as the pastor thinking it.  So, they end up with a guest speaker for the morning and I did not get the reading that I wanted all around. I told the Minister of Music that I would like to come again when the pastor is speaking. To which he agreed was a good idea. Oh, and they do worship God there.

I have talked out the issue with my spouse. I told her that I would be content with the family attending the local church, since they really like it there. Due to distance, I would only go to the other church about 2 times per month. I do kinda like having my family all worshiping in one spot but..... They are more than welcomed to join me. It's just about 45 minutes each way - pending you don't run into the usual DC traffic nightmare situation.

So, what would you do? Don't forget, you gotta include the money items listed at the top of the second paragraph. Should I feel guilty about leaving one place to go to another because of money and musicianship?  I plan to bring up the finances issue with the Worship Pastor when I get a chance. What if I don't like his answer? The one like, "Sorry, no cash here!" This is the same one that I brought up the music fitting the congregation issue with. The music hasn't changed and some people have left - if they are related factors or not, I can't say at this point. I do know church people though. They want to come and feel good on all levels - if one need is not getting met, they tend to move on. Who knows, seeking things like more challenging music and money perhaps. I can worship and get paid too can't I?  

Alan Ace Cooper