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Pet Humor Wednesday

Posted by: Bigguyhereagain <Bigguyhereagain@...>

Pet Humor
I pulled into a crowded parking lot and rolled down the car windows to make sure my golden retriever had plenty of fresh air. The dog was stretched out on the back seat, and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. I walked
to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now, you stay.   Do you hear me? Stay! Stay!"
The driver of a nearby car, perhaps noticing I was blonde (??), gave me a strange look and said,  "Why don't you just put it in park?"
In his younger days our golden retriever, Catcher, often
ran away when he had the chance.  His veterinarian's office
was about a mile down the road, and Catcher would usually
go there.  The office staff knew him and would call me to
come pick him up.
One day I called the vet to make an appointment for
Catcher's yearly vaccine.
"Will you be bringing him in yourself," asked the
receptionist, "or will he come on his own?"


My family brought me home cradled in their arms.
They cuddled me and smiled at me and said I was
full of charm.
They played with me and laughed with me and
showered me with toys.
I sure do love my family, especially the girls
and boys.
The children loved to feed me, they gave me
special treats.
They even let me sleep with them - all snuggled
in the sheets.
I used to go for walks, often several times a day.
They even fought to hold the leash, I'm very
proud to say.
These are the things I'll not forget - cherished
memory, because I now
live in the shelter - without my family.
They used to laugh and praise me when I played
with that old shoe.
But I didn't know the difference between the old
ones and the new.
The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours we
would tug.
So I thought I did the right thing when I chewed
the bedroom rug.
They said that I was out of control, and would
have to live outside.
This I did not understand, although I tried and
The walks stopped, one by one; they said they
hadn't time.
I wish that I could change things, I wish I knew
my crime.
My life became so lonely, in the back yard, on a
I barked and barked, all day long, just to keep
from going insane.
So they brought me to the shelter, but were
embarrassed to say why.
They said I caused an allergy, then they each
kissed me goodbye.
If I'd only had some classes, when I was just a
little pup, then I would
have been a better dog when I was all grown
up. "You only have one day
left." I heard the worker say.
Does that mean I have a second chance?
by Sally Thompson
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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