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Phone Repair Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Phone Repair" 

Bill was a frequent user of a pay telephone at a popular truck stop, and was greatly inconvenienced when the phone went out of commission.

Repeated requests for repair brought only promises.

After several days, Bill again contacted the phone company and told them there was no longer a rush.  The phone was now working fine...  except that all money was being returned upon completion of each call.

A repairman arrived within the hour! 


"Biblical Baseball"   

Baseball was a well-established sport even in biblical times.:
Genesis 1:1 ... "In the big inning"
Genesis 24: ... 15,16 "Rebekah went to the well with a pitcher"
Numbers 11:32 ... "ten homers"
Second Kings 25:16 ... "and the bases which Solomon had made"
Psalms 19:12 ... "Who can understand his errors?"
Psalms 26:1 ... "1 have trusted, therefore, I shall not slide."
Jeremiah 15:7 ... "And I will fan them"
Ezekiel 36:12 ... "Yea, I will cause men to walk"
Luke 17:17 ... "but where are the nine?"
Galatians 5:7 ... "Ye did run well"

:Dog Rules...or Not"   

1. It's not a laugh to practice barking at 3 a.m.

2. It's wrong to back Grandma into a corner and guard her.

3. He shouldn't jump on your bed when he's sopping wet.

4. The cats have every right to be in the living room.

5. Barking at guests 10 minutes after they arrive is stupid.

6. Getting up does NOT mean we are going for a walk.

7. Just because I'm eating, doesn't mean you can.

8. If you look at me with those big soppy eyes, I'm not
going to give in and feed you. NOT NOT NOT. Oh, ok,
just this once.

9. No, it's my food....Oh alright then, just a small piece.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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