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Please pray for Beth Fisher

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Some of you may remember Beth Fisher from the 1Corinthians 7
mailing list. She has been a contributer there in the past, and
she is a person of great faith. She has also been through a lot
of traumatic circumstances, and her health is not good. She is
currently expecting a child, yet, as you can see from the two
attached messages, she is having a real rough time.

Please pray for this servant of Christ. If you are so inclined,
drop her a short message to let her know that you care and that
you are praying for her, too.

Brother Brian
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From: "Beth Fisher" <
To: <>
Subject: Re: May I share your prayer request with others?
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 18:47:34 -0800

Certainly, no problem

They have me on steroids, and had to totally stop everything to
prevent the migraines, so I'm getting them more frequently. They
have me on strong cough syrup and antibiotics. I've coughed so
hard that I have torn a cartilage in my rib cage. I have to take
the cough syrup every three hours whether I'm coughing at the
time or not. I've even coughed up blood just from broken blood
vessels in my chest and throat. My defenses are really low, and
I have to stay in bed for at least a week. Thanks again, and
please feel free to share this with everyone that can pray. My
arms are very bruised and swollen from IV's going the whole time.

Thanks again, Brother Brian, In our Lord's service, Beth Fisher For God so loved the world that He gave
His only Son... John 3:16

From: "Beth Fisher" <
To: <>
Subject: Quick, urgent prayer request
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:23:55 -0800

Sorry to bug you again so soon. Just got back from the doctor, I
now have pneumonia. TJ has a headache (so bad that he's crying),
and Cassi is sick. I've got to stay in bed, or I should say, I'm
supposed to stay in bed, but I fear it will be a long night I've
got to run, but thanks for your faithfulness and prayers.

In our Lord's service,
Beth Fisher
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...
John 3:16

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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