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Politically Correct

Posted by: forthrightmag <forthrightmag@...>

Forthright Magazine
Straight to the Cross

COLUMN: Reality Check

Politically Correct
by Stan Mitchell

"Deep in a forested bio region stood a small,
humble chalet, and in that chalet lived a small,
humble family. The father was a tree butcher by
trade, and he did his best to raise his two pre-
adults named Hansel and Gretel" (a politically
correct beginning to the well-known Grimm's fairy

The thing that I love about the politically
correct bunch is that they actually think that
human thinking is improving all the time, that our
level of reasoning has advanced since the dark
ages of years gone by. Guess they haven't watched
much prime time TV lately! Read the first page of
the United States constitution, and ask yourself
again if you really are smarter just because you
live in a "more enlightened" age! Read the latest
self-indulgent pop psychology offering, then read
the book of Proverbs, and ask yourself if we've
come such a long way after all.

Certainly technology has advanced since the days
of horse and buggy, but the movement from Mozart
to rap is downhill. Just because you heard
something said in a big-city church, by a big-time
preacher, does not make it right. Be analytical.
Open your Bible and study. Ask yourself, not
whether it is new or old, but whether it is true.

No, liberal preachers are not smarter than
conservative (I prefer "biblical"). New ideas have
a built-in weakness; they haven't been thought
through yet (that's what makes them new!). I'm not
saying we should never change; I'm just saying
that an idea's "newness" is an insufficient reason
to change our convictions.

"All the Athenians," we are told, "spent their
time doing nothing but talking and listening to
the latest ideas" ( Acts 17:21).

Nothing the modern TV "evangelist" ever said
compares to the inspired and enduring word of God!

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