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{praise} Work!

Posted by: famkan <famkan@...>

Its been a long, and spiritually testing time for us the last 5 months or so, but today I received a job offer I will accept.
Some of you may remember that we took a stepof faith in returning to Australia after living in Amsterdam (The Netherlands, Europe) for seven years. We thought about it, and had decided that God was calling us back, despite the "good" that we were leaving, and the unknown we were going to. I tried looking for work from half a world away, but it eventuated into nothing.
We arrived in Australia, with our Amsterdam apartment still for sale, and no work for either of us, and the expectation that God would provide. And then... nothing
For 3 months. Then the apartment sold, and we're facing a pretty huge loss and debt, and still no work, and then... more nothing...
Until today. I had an interview last week that went extremly well, and today got the offer. They make salary packaing software, and need me rip apart the insides of an old system, document it, and rewrite it in C#.Net
God is good. There is much rejoicing in the Kan family down under tonight. He has been teaching us all throughout this wait, though. And that is to hang on to Him, no matter what. And yes, its hard, and yes it scary when really don't know what you are facing, but as long as you keep your eyes on The Father, even those things find they're own place in His Love.
Its still only a step along the way. But I just wanted to share, and let you know that I value your prayers, and the support some of you have shown. Praise God for CB, the collected wisdom and experiences He imparts to us, and shares through us.
For those of you out of work and struggling, my prayers are still for you. Keep your eyes on God, and not on the needs. He knows the needs, and will meet the needs. Just keep focusing on Him in all you do.
tc&gb pk