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Prayer Request for Friend

Posted by: reviekat <reviekat@...>

Hi ladies,


I have a special prayer request for a friend whose baby was born 8 weeks premature at the end of April. I was out of town when it happened and just found out today. (My friend has been recovering from her c-section and is not feeling well right now.)


The baby, a boy, is in the NICU at our local hospital. The doctor's say that he has developed where he should have been for the number of weeks old he was. However, he's only 3 ½ pounds and of course, doesn't even have the sucking reflex now.


She's been pumping her milk and freezing it to take to the hospital so they can drip it into his little mouth.


There are several parts to my request, so please bear with me!


First, that the baby continues to grow strong healthy;

Second, the baby's family (dad, mom, 4 yo sister) can find comfort in regards to the positive parts of all this;

Third, the baby is given as much touching and attention as possible while he is in the NICU.  (My younger daughter was a NICU baby and was pretty much ignored unless there was need or we were there. She has huge abandonment anxiety and is extremely clinging, which is common among babies who spend time in Neonatal IC.)


Thanks so much for putting my friends' in your prayer.


IN Christ,




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