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[Prayer Request] Prayer for Mike Yaconelli family

Posted by: masellers <masellers@...>

It is with regret that I must ask for prayer for Karla Yaconelli and family. Mike Yaconelli was killed Thursday night (Oct 30) in a car accident near his home in northern CA. While many of you may not have know Mike personally, he was the President of Youth Specialties, author, speaker, a "reluctant prophet" and an incredible friend and supporter of Compassion. Youth Specialties runs a National Pastors conference, youth conferences, youth workers conferences, etc. and thousands of children have been matched with sponsors at these events - largely because of Mike's vision and commitment to keep Compassion as partner in these events. I urge you to pray for his wife and family, as well as the other YS staff and leaders as they now have to carry YS forward with the absence of Mike.

Mark Sellers
Compassion International
12290 Voyager Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Voice: (719) 487-6524
Fax: (719) 481-3463