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Prayers for our nation as we end the month of May

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

These prayer requests come from the Presidential Prayer Team, something
I've been participating in for some time now. I encourage each of you,
in your own private way, to read these notes and remember to pray for
our leaders.

The Bible reminds us that all leaders (whether we personally like them or
not) have been given authority by God for purposes which He has. Ultimately,
God's desire is to draw all people to Himself. Sometimes, our leaders
directly aid in that process, other times, we are repulsed by the leadership.
Even so, we are directed in God's Holy Word to remember to pray for our
leaders, for it is God who has given them the sword (or in today's
language) authority over us, to protect us, tax us, defend us, and limit
the things we can and cannot do. It is in our own interests, and also the
will of God, that we pray for anyone who is in authority over us.

For this reason, I share this prayer update, that we may be reminded of
our leaders and remember to pray for them. God is glorified when we pray.
Therefore, I humble myself and ask that God would guard over our nation,
its leaders, as well as each of us. I pray for God's physical protection,
His divine leadership, wisdom for our leaders, and a safe peace for God's

Your Brother in Christ,


This week we join the President in his concern for the senior citizens
of our nation. Pray that the dignity and well-being of our nation's
senior citizens will be strengthened and preserved. Give thanks for
those who serve their communities in helpful ways -- especially those
who are joining such efforts as the Freedom Corps.

Pray for the families of over 1700 unidentified victims of the World
Trade Center attack who have not yet been able to bury their loved
ones. Pray especially for those who will be assembling at Ground Zero
this Sunday for a memorial service marking the end of the recovery
effort. May every family and individual impacted by this tragedy find
God's peace and strength to rebuild their lives.

Next week as both House and Senate return from a short recess, pray
that Congress will again unite to serve the good of the people.
Especially pray for the congressional leaders from both parties listed
below. Pray that our nation's leaders will take the high road and
find ways to express their opinions and ideas in healthy debate.

Pray for the continued wisdom of both the directors of the FBI and the
Department of Homeland Security as they endeavor to organize and
reorganize their efforts to protect our citizens and keep our country
safe from attack from within or without.

Pray for wisdom for Secretary of State Colin Powell as he continues
his efforts to rally America's allies against terrorist organizations
and states that support them, and especially as he seeks a peaceful
solution to the crisis in the Middle East.

Pray for the protection of our service men and women and for the
families of military personnel who have lost their lives in
Afghanistan and in other parts of the world in the war on terrorism.

President George W. Bush, before leading his Cabinet in prayer on May
30, commented about the end of the recovery effort at Ground Zero in
New York, saying, "This a day in which we've removed all the debris
from Ground Zero. On behalf of a grateful nation, I want to thank all
those who participated in the clean up of that deadly site; and want
our nation to continue to offer our prayer to those families and
friends and citizens who still hurt as a result of the attacks of
September the 11th."

"I want to thank you for your service to the country. You've seen a
lot of America in your day, and it's a fabulous country that we're
able to call home. It's a remarkable land, where we share common
values; people from all walks of life come into this unique experiment
called America. Our spirit is strong. It's never been more needed
these days; of course, as we make it clear to the world the world and
to an enemy that we'll defend our freedoms at any cost. But we need
to make the world not only safer, but better, a better place. And one
way we can make the world a better place is to make sure our seniors
are treated with dignity." --President George W. Bush, May 17, 2002

Pray for the leaders of Congress: Senators Tom Daschle, Harry Reid,
Trent Lott, Don Nickles, Byron Dorgan, Rick Santorum, Larry Craig.
Representatives Dick Gephart, Tom Delay, Dick Armey, Nancy Pelosi,
J.C. Watts, Martin Frost, Texas, Robert Menendez and Christopher Cox.

"Let us learn together and laugh together and work together and pray
together, confident that in the end we will triumph together in the
right." --President Jimmy Carter

"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous
forsaken or their children begging bread. Wait for the Lord and keep
his way." The Bible, Psalm 37:25, 34 (NIV)

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously
to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." The
Bible, James 1:5 (NIV)

"We need to help and instruct God's people to know how to pray for the
President. My prayer would be that we wouldn't just say, 'Oh Lord,
bless the President,' but that everything from our heart, with an open
Bible, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, would let Him teach us
how to pray and what to pray for our President." --Henry Blackaby,
President, Henry Blackaby Ministries

Bless, O God, the senior citizens of our nation. Let them know how
deeply we value the contributions they have made to our freedom.
Cause us as a nation to rise up and bless those who have lived long,
sacrificed much and worked hard so that younger generations may enjoy
a quality of life that our seniors may not have had. Work among the
great corps of older Americans, Lord, inspiring them to leave a legacy
of faith and prayer for all generations that remain after them. And
may they remain faithful to You throughout their lives. Amen.

On December 24, 1968 the world watched as Commander Frank Borman and
his crew made history during the first manned flight to orbit the
moon. The members of the Apollo 8 mission had an important message
for the world that Christmas Eve -- they read from the biblical Book
of Genesis. Here is their message, in part, "In the beginning, God
created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form,
and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Sprit
of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, 'Let there be
light;' and there was light?And God saw that it was good."

"In prayer I am saying in effect, 'My life for yours.' My time, my
energy, my thoughts, my concentration, my faith -- here they are for
you." --Elisabeth Elliot


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National Mail Address The Presidential Prayer Team P.O. Box 2300,
Orange, CA 92859 520-219-5400
Co-founders: William Hunter, Dr. Cornell Haan

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
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The Presidential Prayer Team is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization established to encourage and remind individuals to pray
for the President, his advisors and our nation's leaders. The PPT does
not endorse, support or oppose political candidates, campaigns or
parties. Individual and corporate contributions are tax-deductible.

Update #35 5/30/2002 (c)Copyright 2002, The Presidential Prayer Team,
Inc. All rights reserved. The Presidential Prayer Team name and seal
is a trademark of The Presidential Prayer Team, Inc.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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