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Preacher and Little Boy Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Preacher and Little Boy"
A preacher was making a wooden trellis to support a climbing
vine.  As he was pounding away, he noticed
that a little boy was watching him.  The youngster did
not say a word, so the preacher kept working.  He
was sure the lad would soon leave -- but he didn't.

Pleased at the thought that his work was being admired,
the preacher finally said, "Well, son, trying to pick up
some pointers on carpentry work?"

"Nope.  I'm just waiting to hear what a preacher says
when he hits his thumb with a hammer."

"Two Little Boys"

Two little boys were sitting on the dock talking.  One little boy turned to the other little boy and said, "My grandfather has a wooden leg."
The other little boy replied, "So what?  My grandma has a cedar chest." 
"So Early"
Little Johnny was thrilled when his turn came to enter
kindergarten. To make sure he had plenty of time to eat
breakfast and get ready on the first day, his mother
woke everybody up early -- so early that it was still dark.
After looking outside Little Johnny went down the hall
and found his mother dressing in the bedroom. He looked
so troubled that his mother asked, "What's wrong?"
mustering as much cheerfulness into her voice as she
could at that hour. "This is your big day!"
Little Johnny blurted, "You didn't tell me I was going
to night school."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
"A happy heart is like good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22)

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