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Presidential Prayer Requests

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

>From time to time I include the Presidential Prayer Requests, either
as part of a theme of messages or on their own. I firmly believe that
prayer is one of the key elements to a healthy life and an appropriate
relationship with our Creator.

I believe that we cannot manipulate God, and that any time we communicate
with God, we must first examine our own hearts and our own motives.
If we are merely talking AT God, to me that's just like one way
communication with any other person - it is ineffective and best and
destructive at worst.

Therefore, I desire to continually examine my own behavior and my own
attitude before approaching God. Realizing that I still harbor things
that are unclean, I come to God humbly, asking Him that He examine my
heart, cleanse me of all that is impure and unclean, remove it from me,
and at that point, we can begin a meaningful dialog.

It is good to pray for others, and it is important to pray for our
country, our leaders, and particularly for those who specifically ask
for prayer. Whatever human flaws may be found in our current president
(and I'm sure there are plenty of them) I am extremely grateful that Mr.
and Mrs. Bush believe that prayer is an important and crucial part of
who they are and what they do.

I'd ask you to join me this week in praying for all of our leaders who
are in authority, not just our president. But the Presidential Prayer
Team has come up with a list of specific prayer requests, so I encourage
you to read them and include them in your prayers as well.

Have a great week, remembering to give thanks continually to God for who
He is and how He transforms lives with His Word and from His love.

Your Brother in Christ,


This week, we reflect on President and Mrs. Bush concern that their
"temporary" home, the White House, would truly be "the people's house," as
they refer to it. Mr. Bush has announced that this month the White House
will be open once again to the public. Let us pray for the security of
the President and his staff as they attempt to show in their own way that
America must get back to life as normal as possible.

Pray with the President that the citizens of our nation will be kept safe
from terrorist acts, especially this week as the Winter Olympics get
underway in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The President has asked us to pray also for those in our country who are
jobless and for those who lost their life savings due to corporate
failures in this time of economic recession. Pray that each American will
be looking out for his or her own neighbors, seeking ways to reach out and
help those who are in need.

Pray for the President especially as he takes a stand on some politically
unpopular issues such as the sanctity of all human life, neighbors helping
each other and other countries through the USA Freedom Corps, and his
focus on strengthening faith-based organizations. Let us pray for his
continued courage, strength, health and wisdom.

Finally, pray that our nation would truly come to appreciate the
importance of its godly heritage. Today's inaugural release of our radio
program "American Inspirations" will thankfully be aired on over 600 radio
stations. Pray that it will be a tool to point our nation back to God
through the telling of stories of our forefathers' strong faith.


"I thank everyone who has worked so hard to make the Salt Lake City and
the games a memorable site. I wish all our athletes Godspeed. I continue
to pray the Lord's blessings for safety and security on our great land ."
--President George W. Bush


Director of Homeland Security: Thomas Ridge
Secretary of Labor: Elaine Chao
National Security Advisor: Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of Energy: Spencer Abraham


"I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessing on THIS HOUSE and on all
that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever
rule under this roof!"
--President John Adams, written November 2, 1800, in dedication of the
White House the day after he was the first president to occupy it.


"For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."
--The Bible, Isaiah 56:7 (NIV)


"There is a vital interrelationship between our prayers and America's
future greatness. God wants to bless our land through the channels of our
prayer. America's moral goodness and spiritual greatness and our success
and prosperity are inseparable. America's untapped supernatural resource
is the humble prayer of God's people for the President, the Congress and
the leaders of our Nation. The greatest expression of patriotism is
--Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate


"Let us never forget, when we pray, that things which are impossible with
men are possible with God. This is because He is all-powerful. But let
us remember, too, that some things that are possible with men are
impossible with God. This is because He is all-loving."
--Elisabeth Elliot


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The Presidential Prayer Team
P.O. Box 2300, Orange, CA 92859

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information.

The Presidential Prayer Team is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization established to encourage and remind individuals to pray for
the President, his advisors and our nation's leaders. The PPT does not
endorse, support or oppose political candidates, campaigns or parties.
Individual and corporate contributions are tax-deductible.

Update #18 2/04/2002 (c)Copyright 2002, The Presidential Prayer Team, Inc.
All rights reserved. The Presidential Prayer Team name and seal is a
trademark of The Presidential Prayer Team, Inc.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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