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Posted by: <@...>

I worked at a company which decided to have an Employee Suggestion
Competition. I told my department that they were probably looking for
ways of saving money.

One fellow submitted a suggestion that they post announcements on the
dozen bulletin boards instead of printing 200 memos and distributing
them to everyone.

He won, got a helium balloon with the company logo, one share of stock,
and, yes, a memo announcing it went out to two hundred people.

Ideas for your next baby based on profession:


Lawyer's daughter:..........................Sue
Thief's son........................................Rob
Lawyer's son....................................Will
Doctor 's son...................................Bill
Meteorologist's daughter..............Haley
Steam shovel operator's son.......Doug
Hair Stylist's son.............................Bob
Homeopathic doctor's son............Herb
Justice of the peace's daughter...Mary
Sound stage technician's son......Mike
Hot-dog vendor's son.....................Frank
Gambler's daughter........................Betme
Exercise guru's son.......................Jim
Cattle Thief's son...........................Russell
Painter's son..................................Art
Iron worker's son..........................Rusty
TV show star's daughter..............Emmy
Movie star's son.............................Oscar
Barber's son...................................Harry