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Pulled Over For Speeding

Posted by: root <root@...>

Pulled Over For Speeding

A guy is speeding down a highway when he gets pulled over by a police

The officer says, "You were speeding."

The guy says, "No I wasn't! I was just going slow."

The guy's wife in the passenger seat says, "No officer, He was speeding
the whole time."

The guy glares at his wife, "Shut up!"

The officer then says, "I see that your seat belt is off. May I ask why?"

The guy says, "Well I saw you were gonna pull me over. I figured you were
gonna ask me for my license, so I took my seat belt off so I could get my
wallet out."

The guy's wife says, "No officer, he has had the seat belt off the whole

The guy says to his wife, "What the heck is wrong with you?!"

The officer leans over to the wife and says, "Is he always this mean to


The Three Bubbas

Three Bubbas went away on a hunting trip.

Once they'd set up their camp site, they prepared to leave for the hunt.
Unfortunately, they discovered they'd only brought one hunting riffle
along with them. So they decided they'd each take turns hunting.

The first one headed out and, a few hours later, he returned. He came back
with a raccoon.

The other Bubbas were amazed and asked how he got the raccoon.

"Saw tracks, followed tracks, shot raccoon." he said.

The second Bubba thought that this was going to be easy, so he headed out.

After a short time, he came back with a bear.

The other two Bubbas asked how he got the bear and he replied, "Saw
tracks, followed tracks, shot bear."

The third Bubba thought that this was so easy, even he could do this.

He left and came back three days later, battered and bruised. He looked

The other Bubbas asked what had happened.

He said, "Saw tracks, followed tracks, got hit by train."