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Re: Answered prayers!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Jeanne (and all of my friends who read 1Corinthians7),

For you, Jeanne, I join you and rejoice in celebration for God's goodness
and His wonderful love. Events like this happen all the time, and are
a constant reminder of His love.

I am so relieved to hear that this miscarriage of justice has been
resolved. We are always concerned, any time their is an allegation
which concerns children. But, as many of you know, sometimes this
gets carried to extremes, and our individual rights are taken away
from us. I am so thankful that this situation seems to have worked
out, or at least the questionable charges were resolved.

I have known people who have gone to prison over false charges. It is
a very serious matter. Praise God that His mercy has prevailed, and the
prayers of His people have been heard.

If any of you have reports or testimonies of how God has worked in a
situation in your life or someone close to you, I'd like to hear about
them. Just send mail to if you're willing
to share with the group, or if you want to share
a more "anonymous" story. If you send to me privately, let me know
if I may share the story, omitting names and addresses.

How wonderful is the work of God every day in our midst!

Brother Brian

--- Jeanne Manhood <> wrote:
> Father is sooooooooooo goooooood! How Awesome and wonderful is his Love!!!!
> I am celebrating and wanted you to celebrate with me. I had asked for
> prayers regarding someone who was going to have to go to court over some
> false accusations regarding his daughter. Well, there will be no court
> case. The issue has been resolved PRAISE GOD! So, for any who doubt that
> prayers are not answered, please know that it happens every day. Due to
> some false accusations a family was torn apart. Our church became aware of
> the situation and have been praying constantly for the family to be brought
> back together. I don't know all the details yet but please say a prayer of
> thanks to Father for his love and faithfulness in our lives. thanks, Jeanne
> --
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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