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Re: Fwd: "A Fire, A Church and a Miracle of Rebirth!" Sowing Seeds Devotion 9/14/2000

Posted by: ajwhite <ajwhite@...>

i have repeatedly asked to be removed from the mailing list...this email
address gets way too much, i automatically delete these emails. please have
someone address this problem!!! even christians get irritated!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Masinick" <>
To: "1Cor7 Prayers" <>
Cc: "Larry Davies" <>; "Kevin Hardy"
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:03 PM
Subject: [1Corinthians7] Fwd: "A Fire, A Church and a Miracle of Rebirth!"
Sowing Seeds Devotion 9/14/2000

> Dear friends,
> Do you know anything about "rebirth"? What does that mean? Well, usually
> means one thing
> has to go, and something has to replace it. In Larry's story, it is about
> church that was LEVELED
> by a fire, but then it was rebuilt.
> For me, it is even more personal than that. My life, on more than one
> occasion, has been "leveled".
> I reached new lows in various things. I lost self esteem, at one point.
> lost the work I enjoyed at
> another point. I lost my spouse at another point.
> What did these things have in common? What do they have in common with
> church story?
> To me, each of them means that I cannot rely on my own means. Every time
> forget that, my God
> has been faithful to me. I DID NOT say that my God has been EASY on me,
but I
> DID say that my
> God has been faithful to me. You see, I am pretty thick-headed sometimes.
> While, on one hand,
> it would appear that I understand these things, on the other hand, I
> to struggle. How
> wonderful God is to me! He understands me, far better than I understand
> myself, and He brings
> just the right set of events into my life to bring me to the next place I
> to be, in order that God
> can accomplish every good purpose He has for my life. Once again, I want
> reiterate, those things
> are not always what I would think or expect, but I have come to realize
> firmly belive in my
> heart) that God's ways are higher than my ways (far superior, in every
> respect). Therefore, I place
> my complete trust in Him.
> Look at what can happen when people gather together to recognize the power
> God. Not only are
> individual lives changed (reborn) but a new church, and a revived
community of
> faith, is also made
> fresh and new. I call such things miracles of faith.
> Brother Brian
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> =====
> --
> Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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