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Re: Prayer Request...

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...> wrote:

>Hello everyone:
>I come to you all asking for your prayers for a friend of my best friend
>Chrissy. Chrissy's friend, her name is Debbie, is 26 years old and has just
>been found to have an inoperable brain tumor. Debbie is married to Jerry and
>they are both Christians (after some very tough times and a close call with
>Divorce they both found the Lord and their lives have improved 110% and they
>have also become a testimony to many of their friends and family...Praise
>God!). They have two children, Daulton, 5 and Desire', 4. Debbie went to
>the Drs. with what she thought was a bad ear infection. They said her ears
>were fine and sent her home. Days later she was rushed to the hospital with
>severe pain in her head (behind her one ear) and after running various tests
>they found a "lemon sized" tumor in her head. Last Friday they went to
>operate on it, to hopefully remove it, and found it was too intertwined with
>her brain and she experienced some extensive bleeding during this procedure,
>at which point they had to close her back up and decided it was inoperable.
>They are now going to try and shrink it by some method unknown to me, but the
>outlook is not good. I would ask that whomever is able, to please pray for
>Debbie, Jerry and their children.
>Thank you so very much. Love in Christ, Jo
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I certainly join you in prayer for your friends and their friends, and
especially for Debbie and Jerry. I'm thankful for the way that God has
been working in the lives of these friends, and I pray for the well
being of their health and future. I pray for the constant encouraging
presence of the Lord during the painful and uncertain times they face.
I pray for peace for the children - God's lasting peace. Though we do
not know the specific plans God has, we do know that God's plans for His
people are to always give them a hope and a future --- that much we can
say with certainty. May that hope and future, which is in God's hands,
bring comfort, even as severe trials are faced.

Brian Masinick