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RE: Update and prayer requests on job and health

Posted by: jmanhood <jmanhood@...>

Dear Father in Heaven,
I want to thank you for your faithfulness and the unconditional live that
you have for us. I have a special prayer request for you at this time.
First of all, I pray that you guide Brian and let him know what your will is
for his life. You have blessed him with many talents and gifts and I pray
that you will bring to Brian the perfect position that will give glory to
you and to enable Brian to take care of his family. I once again lift up
Tom for healing. Father, you created us and know us and I ask that you
bring healing to Tom and give peace to his family at this time. In Jesus
Name I pray, Amen

There seems to be so many that are in need........some are ill and need
healing, others have been laid off from work and need to be able to take
care of their families and then others are grieving over the death of a
loved one. May Father use each and everyone of us to do His will. are right Brian to say that this is a tough one. Try as
we all might, we all find ourselves judging others from time to time. And
then when one of our brothers fall down, that we pray for the right words to
gently bring them back into the fold. have a great day, jeanne

For God so loved the world, He gave his only son.............John 3:16
Jeanne Manhood
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