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Re: we are the light of this world..................

Posted by: angelwings <angelwings@...>

What I meant was I do not fellowship with non believers but I do tell them about Jesus.The bible tells us do not be unequally yoked with nonbelievers.The place where I work is filled with homosexuality,witchcraft,adultery.I cannot find myself going out with someone who is into witchcraft or a married man wanting to have an affair.Does this clarify things for you?
----- Original Message -----
From: <a href="">Jeanne Manhood
To: <a href="">
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: [1Corinthians7] we are the light of this world..................
hello from Atlanta, Georgia.  I read what you wrote about staying away from nonChristians.  May I ask that you pray about this.  If we all stayed away from nonChristians, then please tell me how we would reach them do Father's work?  Although we are not to be part of this world, we are living in this world and we are the "light" of this world.  If those that do not know Christ don't see Christ in us, then they will never know what they are missing out on.
    I am married to an atheist and I have learned through my walk with Christ that Father wants me to show Reg the loving nature of Christ through me.  He doesn't want me to put him down, shun him or tell him what he is doing wrong but to simply love him to Jesus.  It isn't easy but it is the right way.
    Father doesn't want us to be like the Pharisees who was arrogant and did not associate with the "sinful" people. They thought they were better than the other person.  Let us pray for those that don't have a relationship with Father.  You are right....the time is short but don't isolate yourselves from the unsaved.  You don't want them to think that this is the way that Christ behaved.........because it isn't.  God bless you and have a blessed day. 